09 Oct UGSA Burch Colposuspension Information Sheet
To correct urinary stress incontinence (urinary leakage with coughing, sneezing or with exercise). Colposuspension has been performed for many years for the management of urinary stress incontinence with a long-term success rate of 85%. During the last decade, colposuspension has been replaced by the mid-urethral sling as the standard surgery for the treatment of urinary stress incontinence. The procedure is still performed in those who wish to avoid permanent mesh and in some undergoing abdominal surgery for prolapse. The surgery can be performed via a laparotomy (low open cut in the abdomen) or laparoscopically (keyhole). The long-term success of both the laparoscopic and open colposuspension procedures is equal to that of the mid-urethral sling; however, colposuspension has a longer operating time, in-patient stay and recovery than the mid-urethral sling.