Urinary Incontinence

There are three main types:

Stress incontinence

  • Urine is lost during activities that increase the pressure within your abdomen. Examples are coughing, sneezing, lifting or exercise.
  • Pelvic floor exercises under the supervision of a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist, weight loss and improved general fitness can significantly improve symptoms.
  • However, when these measures do not work surgery can be performed.

Urge incontinence

  • There is usually an uncontrollable urge to go to the toilet (urgency or detrusor instability) that is often followed by the leakage of urine before the toilet is reached.
  • Conservative measures such as a reduction in caffeine and soft drink intake, bladder “retraining” with a physiotherapist and medications are used to treat this type of incontinence.
  • Surgery is seldom indicated for this type of incontinence.

Mixed incontinence

  • A combination of urge and stress incontinence.

Urinary incontinence is more common in women who have had children. It is thought that tissue damage due to childbirth, in combination with age leads to the gradual onset of incontinence symptoms. Some women seem particularly prone to developing incontinence. There are surgical procedures that can correct your problem. Your doctor will discuss various options with you to help you decide what is likely to be the best solution.

Pelvic floor exercises, weight reduction and a decrease in caffeine, alcohol, and/or nicotine intake will all reduce the incidence of urinary incontinence. These conservative measures alone may be enough to treat symptoms. Pelvic floor exercises should be taught and supervised by a physiotherapist who specialises in pelvic floor defects. Ideally these should be initiated prior to having surgery to maximise your pelvic floor function and reduce the potential for recurrent incontinence.

Please speak with the reception staff for contact details of a physio or a referral.


  • Bladder diary
  • Mid Stream Specimen of Urine
  • Voiding Flow Rate and Post Void Residual Urine (measurement)
  • Ultrasound of bladder, pelvic floor and kidneys
  • Urodynamic studies

Treatment Options


Dr David N Munday

Kent Town

Dr Paul Knight

B.Sc (Hons Statistics) MBBS FRANZCOG
Kent Town & Stirling

Dr Rick Fielke

Kent Town

Dr Anna Nicholson

DCH, MBBS(Hons), BA (Politics and International Relations), MIPH, FRANZCOG
Kent Town

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